Read more about the article What Fuel Does a Natrium Reactor Use?
A diagram illustrating the components and working principles of a Natrium reactor, highlighting the use of liquid sodium as a coolant.

What Fuel Does a Natrium Reactor Use?

Natrium reactors represent an innovative leap in the field of nuclear energy, aiming to provide a more efficient and sustainable solution for power generation. Central to understanding these advanced reactors…

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Read more about the article Is Natrium a Fast Reactor?
Exploring the Natrium reactor: How this innovative design by TerraPower and GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy fits the criteria of a fast reactor, combining high-energy neutron use, liquid sodium coolant, and advanced safety features for improved fuel efficiency and sustainability.

Is Natrium a Fast Reactor?

Introduction In the evolving landscape of nuclear energy, advanced reactor designs are continually being developed to address the dual challenges of safety and efficiency. One such design is the Natrium…

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